Zur Aufarbeitung des Dergue-Regimes in Äthiopien liegen vergleichsweise wenige Veröffentlichungen vor. Die meisten sind in englischer Sprache verfasst.
Alemu, Girmachew; Schaefer, Charles; Tronvoll, Kjetil (a cura di) (2009): The Ethiopian red terror trials. Transitional justice challenged. Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer. Disponibile online in www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/9781846157233/type/BOOK.
Enyew, Alebachew Birhanu (2008): Transitional Justice and the Creation of a Human Rights Culture in Ethiopia.
Fisher, Kirsten J.; Stewart, Robert (2014): Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis (Transitional Justice). Disponibile online in gbv.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx.
Grima, Mohammed (a cura di) (2018): The healing of Memories. African Christians responses to politically included Trauma. Maryland.
Hayner, Priscilla B. (1994): Fifteen truth commissions. 1974-1997. A comparative study. In: Human Rights Quarterly n. 4, 16, pp. 597–655. Disponibile online in www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fifteen-Truth-Commissions--1974-to-1994%3A-A-Study-Hayner/780ee8edaabbd8016222f570619c7147ccafdb3b.
Metekia, Tadesse (2018): Violence against and using the dead. Ethiopia's Dergue cases. In: Human Remains and Violence n. 1, 4, pp. 76–92. Disponibile online in https://t1p.de/kbj1.
Metekia, Tadesse (2019): Punishing Core Crimes in Ethiopia. Analysis of the Domestic Practice in Light of and in Comparison, with Sentencing Practices at the unicts and the icc. In: International Criminal Law Review n. 1, 19, pp. 160–190. Disponibile online in https://t1p.de/061j.
Metekia, Tadesse (2020): Prosecution of Core Crimes in Ethiopia. Domestic practice vis-à-vis international standards. University of Groningen, Groningen.
Reta, Demelash Shiferaw (2014): National prosecution and transitional justice. The case of Ethiopia. Coventry.
Sarkin, Jeremy (1999): Transitional justice and the prosecution model. The Experience of Ethiopia. In: Law, Democracy, Development n. 2, 3, pp. 253–266. Disponibile online in https://www.saflii.org/za/journals/LDD/1999/16.pdf.
Teklu, Theodros (2018): Mirror of Memory. Some thought on the Ethiopian Red Terror. In: Mohammed Grima (a cura di): The healing of Memories. African Christians responses to politically included Trauma. Maryland, pp. 77–95.
Wiebel, Jacob (2015): "Let the Red Terror Intensify". Political Violence, Gouvernance and Society in Urban Ethiopia, 1776-1978. In: The International Journal of African Historical Studies n. 1, 48, pp. 13–29.
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