
Literatur zu Georgien

Dem Haus des Schriftstellerverbandes in Tiflis ist nicht anzusehen, dass sich hier 1937 eine Tragödie abspielte: Als der georgische Parteichef Lawrenti Beria den Dichter Paolo Iaschwili zwingen wollte, einen engen Freund zu denunzieren, erschoss sich dieser im Obergeschoss. Obwohl sein Schicksal typisch ist für die Zeit des Stalinismus, ist die Literatur zur Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit überschaubar.

Credit: Hubertus Knabe

Literatur zur Aufarbeitung in Georgien

Afanasjew, Nik: Stalins Erbe. Georgien zerrissen zwischen Aufbruch und Vergangenheit. In: Geo. Online verfügbar unter:

Andornikashivili, Zaal: Denkmalkultur in Georgien. In: Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin, Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2008, S. 73-82.

Austin, Robert: Confronting the Soviet and Post-Soviet Past in Georgia. In: Horne, Cynthia M./ Stan, Lavinia (eds.): Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union, Cambridge 2018, S. 243-262.

Avalishvili, Levan/ Jishkariani, David/ Khvadagiani, Irakli et al.: Memory of Nations. Democratic Transition Guide, National Endowment of Democracy 2018. Online verfügbar unter: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Bakradze, Lasha: Auf Berias Spuren in Georgien. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung 2016. Online verfügbar unter:

Batiashvili, Nutsa: What Are Sites of Memories For?. Paper for the Conference “Sites of Memory of Socialism and Communism in Europe”, September 2015.

Bertelsmann Stiftung: BTI 2022 Country Report – Georgia. Online verfügbar unter:

Blauvelt, Timothy K./ Suny, Ronald G./ Smith, Jeremy: Georgia after Stalin. Nationalism and Soviet Power, London 2015.

Bunce, Valerie J./ Wolchik, Sharon L.: Defeating Dictators. Electoral Change and Stability in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes. In: World Politics (2009), Vol. 62, Issue 1, Cambridge University Press, S. 43 – 86. Online verfügbar unter:

Bursulaia, Guranda: The Voice of Silence. The Case of Georgian History Textbooks. In: Caucasus Survey (2020), Vol. 8 (3), S. 278-293.

Centre of Eastern Studies: Georgia. Settlement with the Communist Past, 2011. Online verfügbar unter:

Chikovani, Nino: The Problem of a Common Past in Multiethnic Societies. In: International Textbook Research (2008), 4.30, S. 797-810.

Cohen, James: Studies on Transitional Justice in Context. Addressing Corruption Through Justice-Sensitive Security Sector Reform. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2017.

Datunashvili, Alisa: The Georgian National Museum and the Museum of Soviet Occupation as loci of informal nation building. In: Polese, Abel/ Morris, Jeremy/ Pawłusz, Emilia/ Seliverstova, Oleksandra (eds.): Identity and Nation Building in Everyday Post-Socialist Life, London 2017.

Ditrych, Ondrey: Georgia. A State of Flux. In: Journal of International Relations and Development (2010), 13, S. 3–25. Online verfügbar unter:

Dolidze, Anna: Beyond the Binary of Exogenous and Endogenous Transitions. International Actors and Transitional Justice in Georgia. In: Transitional Justice in Unified Korea (2015), S. 153-174.

Dolidze, Anna/ Waal, Thomas de: A Truth Commission for Georgia. In: Carnegie Europe (2012). Online verfügbar unter:

Dzidziguri, Shavla: Einen Stalin stürzen, viele Stalins aufstellen. In: Zeit Online (2017). Online verfügbar unter:

Erkvania, Tinatin/ Lebanidze, Bidzina: The Judiciary Reform in Georgia and its Significance for the Idea of European Integration. In: Policy Brief, Georgian Institute of Politics (2021), 31.

Fairbanks, Charles H.: Twenty Years of Postcommunism. Georgia’s Soviet Legacy. In: Journal of Democracy (2010), Vol. 21, Issue 1, S. 145-151. Online verfügbar unter:

Frichova, Magdalena: Transitional Justice and Georgia's Conflicts. Breaking the Silence. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2009.

Gasimov, Zaur: Sprache als Erinnerungsort in der Ukraine, Georgien und Aserbaidschan. In: Roche, Jörg (ed.): Erinnerungsorte und Erinnerungskulturen. Konzepte und Perspektiven für die Sprach- und Kulturvermittlung, Baltmannsweiler 2014, S. 143-153.

Georgas, James (ed.): Families Across Cultures. A 30-Nation Psychological Study, New York, 2006.

Gricius, Gabriella: Transitional Justice. Lustration and Vetting in Ukraine and Georgia. In: Journal of Liberty and International Affairs (2020), 5(2), S. 26-42. Online verfügbar unter:

Gugushvili, Nino/ Kabachnik, Peter/ Kirvalidze, Ana: Collective Memory and Reputational Politics of National Hereos and Villains. In: Nationalities Papers (2017), 45 (3), S. 464-484.

Jones, Stephen F. (ed.): The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012. The First Georgian Republic and its Successors, New York 2014.

Kabachnik, Peter/ Guushvili, Alexi/ Jishkariani, David: A Personality Cult’s Rise and Fall. Three Cities after Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” and the Stalin Monument that Never was. In: REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2015), 4(2), S. 306-326.

Kabachnik, Peter/ Kirvalidze, Ana/ Gugushvili, Alexi (eds.): Stalin Today. Contending with the Soviet Past in Georgia, Tbilisi 2016.

Kakitelashvili, Ketevan: Instrumentalization of History and History Teaching in Post-Soviet Georgia. In: tsivilizadstiuri dziebani [Civilization Research] (2009), Nr. 7, S. 24-28. 

Kaminsky, Anna: Museums and Memorials. Commemorating the Victims of Communist Dictatorships, Dresden 2018.

Kekelia, Elene/ Reisner, Oliver: Golden or pink – Stalin as an Embattled Memory Site. In: Caucasus Survey (2021), Vol. 9 (3), S. 250-269.

King, Lorenz/ Khubua, Giorgi (eds.): Georgia in Transition. Experiences and Perspectives, New York 2009.

Kopaliani-Schmunk, Natela: Stimmen aus Georgien. Vom Tode Stalins bis zur Gegenwart, Münster 2018.

Kovtiak, Elisabeth: A Bridge to the Past. Public Memory and Nostalgia for the Communist Times in Modern Georgia. In: Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics (2018), Vol. 12, Issue 1, S. 31-51. Online verfügbar unter:

Kuzio, Taras: Civil Society, Youth and Societal Mobilization in Democratic Revolutions. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 39, Nr. 3 (2006): S. 365-386.

Maisuradze, Davit: The Effects of the Constitutional Court Ruling of October 28, 2015 on the Freedom Charter of Georgia. Institute for Development of Freedom of Information, 2015. Online verfügbar unter: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Maisuradze, Giorgi/ Thun-Hohenstein, Franziska: Sonniges Georgien – Figurationen des Nationalen im Sowjetimperium, Berlin 2015.

Makarychev, Andrey/ Yatsyk, Alexandra: Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe. Nations and Identities in Ukraine, Georgia and Estonia, Baden-Baden 2016.

Marszalek-Kawa, Joanna/ Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna/ Ratke-Majewska, Anna et al.: The Politics of Memory in Post-Authoritarian Transitions. Case Studies Vol.1 und 2 (2017).

Mikaberidze, Alexander: Historical Dictionary of Georgia, Lanham 2015.

Razmadze, Maya: Abgründe des Goldenen Zeitalters. Sowjetvergangenheit in Georgiens Schulbuch. In: Osteuropa 60 (2010), 8, S. 91-103.

Razmadze, Maya: Sozialismusdiskurse in der georgischen Transformationsgesellschaft. Über das Zusammenspiel von kulturellem und individuellem Gedächtnis, Berlin 2017.

Rozic, Peter: Lustration and Democracy: The Politics of Transitional Justice in the Post-Communist World. Phd. Diss. 2013.

Saakashvili, Mikheil: Law of Georgia No. 1867, 25.12.2013. Online verfügbar unter: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Salushchev, Sergey/ Yamboliev, Kalina: „Unfortunately, Some Mistakes Were Made“. Joseph Stalin and Public History in Post-Independence Georgia. In: The Public Historian (2020), 42(3), S. 33-60. Online verfügbar unter:

Sartania, Katie: Struggle and Sacrifice. Narratives of Georgia’s Modern History. Carnegie Europe 27.04.2021. Online verfügbar unter:

Tatum, Jesse D.: Democratic Transition in Georgia. Post-Rose Revolution Internal Pressures on Leadership. In: Caucasian Review of International Affairs (2009), Vol.3 (2), S. 156-171. Online verfügbar unter:

Toria, Malkhaz: Between Traditional and Modern Museology. Exhibiting National History in the Museum of Georgia. In: Apsel, Joyce/ Sodaro, Amy (eds.): Museums and Sites of Persuasion. Politics, Memory and Human Rights, London 2020, S 36 – 55. 

Toria, Malkhaz: The Soviet occupation of Georgia in 1921 and the Russian-Georgian War of August 2008. Historicyl Analogy as a Memory Project. In: Jones, Stephen F. (ed.): The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012. The First Georgian Republic and its Successors, New York 2014, S. 316 – 335.

Transparency International Georgia: Annual Report 2021. Online verfügbar unter:

Varney, Howard: Assessing the Prospects for Transitional Justice in Georgia. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2017.



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